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About Dana Good...

Dana has had a passion for performance since she could learn to speak (and sing). Through the years she has continued to express her love for art through the years. She has attened Denver School of the Arts as a theatre major since she was eleven years old, and it has taught her so much about acting and about what kind of person she wants to be. She was recently in a production of The Laramie Project in which she realized the monumental impact that theatre (and art in general) can have on a person's life. She aspires to influence how people look at the world and the views that they have.

One of the incredible aspects of theatre is getting to experience new things and stepping outside your comfort zone. In August of 2013, Dana traveled with a group of theatre majors to Edinburgh, Scotland to participate in the International Edinburgh Fringe Festival. In December of 2013, she performed in a group muscial number from Bring It On: The Musical at the Colorado State Thespian Convention as Critic's Choice for an audience of more than 3,000 people. More recently, in February of 2015, she performed at Avery Fischer Hall in New York City as a chorus member in the Manhattan Concert Production of Parade.

Embracing new cultures and learning about people from different backgrounds is something that Dana thinks of as an essential part of being an actor as well as a well-rounded human being. She has traveled to Italy, France, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Austria, England, Scotland, and more. These experiences have been enlightening and stimulating as she grows and develops as an artist.

Dana's other interests include meditation, drawing and sketching, yoga, singing in genres other than musical theatre, and creating memories with friends and family.

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